Living in the Colorado Mountains – Pros and Cons

You’ll find majestic mountain ranges throughout the United States. None are comparable to the Denver Foothills and the Continental Divide. Some people can’t wait to ditch their city dwelling for a more rural, natural lifestyle. If that sounds like you, you might be considering moving to the mountains to live more simply and in tune with nature. If you’re thinking about making the move to one of the many mountain towns in Colorado, read on for some pros and cons of living there. There are so many amazing things about living in the CO mountains, but it isn’t for everyone. Consider these pros and cons before you pack your bags and head up high. A few things will determine whether or not a particular place is right for you; that is why it’s important to understand both sides of any situation before making a final decision on anything.

Colorado Rocky Mountains – Evergreen CO

A Breath of Fresh Air

If you’re used to living in a big city, you might be in need of some fresh air. Cities can be smoggy and loud, and the air quality isn’t always what you’d hope for. Mountains are a different story: The air is much cleaner and more people are conscious of pollution. There are fewer cars on the road and there are limitations on where and when businesses can pollute the air. You might not have to worry about bad air quality and see a clear, blue sky every day. You’ll be able to see stars and planets that you couldn’t see before. You’ll also notice a difference in temperature. The higher up you are, the cooler it will be. This can be a huge perk during hot summer months. Living in the mountains means being closer to the sun, so you’ll get more of it. This means more UV rays, so it’s important to wear sunscreen and protective clothing when in direct sunlight.

Being Close to Nature

If you’re looking to get closer to nature, living in the mountains can help with that. It’s much easier to escape the city when your commute is 10 minutes instead of 1 hour. Not to mention, you’ll likely have a lot more space in your home, which can be a nice change from city life. Mountains are full of wildlife and beautiful plants. You’ll be able to enjoy nature without ever having to leave your property. You can also take advantage of hiking and other outdoor activities that you may not have been able to do if you lived in a city. You can enjoy the peacefulness and quietness of the mountains that is difficult to find at lower altitudes. You may have to deal with some wildlife trying to move in, but you can use humane traps to remove them and they won’t cause any long-term damage to your property.

Breathing Room

If you’re feeling a little claustrophobic in the city, moving to the mountains can help. City living is often cramped and you’re always around people. When you move to the mountains, you’ll notice that you have much more breathing room. You’ll have more privacy and be able to enjoy the sounds and sights of nature without having people around you. You’ll notice that people are a lot more respectful of your space and you’ll have more respect for others’ privacy as well. You won’t have to deal with the noise pollution of a more populated area. There are fewer cars and machines running, which means less noise pollution. You may hear some birds chirping or cicadas buzzing, but you won’t have to deal with horns and sirens. You’ll also have less light pollution to deal with.

Recreation Opportunities Galore

If you love to play outside, you’ll find that the mountains are a great place to do that. You can enjoy hiking, biking, fishing, hunting, exploring, snowshoeing, and much more. You can go hiking or snowshoeing almost year-round, which means you can get out and enjoy being outside no matter what the weather is like. You can also take advantage of some amazing festivals and events that are held in the mountains. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to get out and socialize with your neighbors and meet new people. You can also enjoy some amazing natural sights and wildlife that you may not have been able to see if you were living in a city. You can explore caves, waterfalls, lakes, and more.

Cons: Shorter Days, Scarce Employment and Shifting Seasons

If you’re used to having long days and plenty of sunlight, you may want to think twice before moving to the mountains. You’ll likely notice that days are shorter and you won’t have near as much sunlight as you did in the city. You’ll have to get used to the change and learn to rely on different forms of light to get things done. This can be a pro or con depending on what you like or dislike about it. The number of employment opportunities can be low. The area isn’t as economically active as a city, so you may have a harder time finding a job that you like in your field. You may also have to commute to find a job, which can be time-consuming and expensive. You may also have to get used to working different hours depending on what kind of work you do, which can be difficult if you have kids or a social life that you’re trying to maintain.

Housing Costs Are Extremely High

Housing costs are often higher in the mountains than in many parts of the country. If you are calculating the cost of living in any particular city, be sure to take into account the cost of housing. The higher elevation and lack of available land in mountainous areas can drive up the cost of land and construction. Gas and heating bills are often higher in mountainous areas as well, so keep that in mind when calculating the cost of living. You may have to drive longer to get to work and you’ll likely have a car payment as well. Depending on how far away from work you are, you may have to drive more than you did when you lived in a city. That can increase your gas bill and make it more difficult to get to work on time.

The Bad Stuff: What You Might Hate About Living in the Mountains Slow or no internet or cell phone service

Slow or no internet or cell phone service – If you need to be connected 24/7, this may not be the lifestyle for you. Depending on where you live and how high up a mountain you are, you may not be able to get internet or cell phone service. You may have to drive to a lower area or even out of the state to get these services. You may have other ways to stay connected, but it may be an inconvenience to have to rely on that or to have friends and family come visit you to get connected. – You may also have less internet speed than what you’re used to, which can make it harder to do things like stream video, download large files, and participate in online classes and webinars.

There Are Few Employment Options for Non-Professionals

If you are not a professional in any particular field, you may have a hard time finding a job in the mountains. There are often few employment opportunities for non-professionals and many employers only look for professionals. You may have to drive to a larger city in order to find work, which can be difficult if you don’t have reliable transportation. You may also have to accept work that pays a lot less than what you were earning in the city, which can be difficult if you have a family to support.

6 Key Factors to Consider Before Moving to the Mountains

– Climate – The climate in the mountains can vary greatly depending on where in the mountains you live. If you like mild temperatures year-round, you can find that in certain areas. If you prefer warmer temperatures, you can also find that in certain areas. – Culture – The culture of a particular city can also affect your decision. Do you want to live in a bustling city or a large, quiet town? You can find those things in the mountains. – Economy – The economy in a particular area can affect your decision as well. Is there an industry that you’d like to work in?

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